Thursday, July 19, 2012

Maddy Portrait Process

This is the first portrait rendering I made entitled "Maddy" which I really credit first of all to my cousin Ed. My cousin is also an artist and in fact gave me a lot of tips in digital painting and stuff. He is also one of the great inspirations and supporters I had to carry on my ambition to become a great artist. Thank you Ed! ^__^

 This is the original sketch made by Eddi. 

 Because it was rather unfinished, I decided (with his permission of course) to define her hair and other features.

 After that I decided to color it digitally. I used tools such as color replacement tool and paint brush tool as well.

After series of experimenting I decided to use compliments to balance warm and cool colors.

This is the final output :) "Maddy"

Further information about this work is that No that's not a portrait of myself. Haha! As you can also see, she's a little bit unrealistic too. The art style, in which Ed adapted was that of Final Fantasy style of character drawing. The eyes are influenced highly by anime too, but more realistic than the usual anime style.

Maybe someday I will render a portrait of myself too :)